Your donations making a difference

Through our annual step count challenge, FLY into July, we pride ourselves on providing participants with a choice of charities and causes to support - and are delighted to see some substantial and meaningful outcomes from the money raised for them.

Variety QLD were one of the beneficiaries during FLY into July 2021, and we’re delighted to be able to share how your fundraising dollars were put to good use:

“Brady is 11 years old and lives with several disabilities, ASD level 2 ADHD, Anxiety ID (intellectual impairment).

With his complex processing and regulation difficulties, his parents reached out to Variety in support of procuring an iPad, keyboard, pencil, Apple Watch, and AirPods.

These items are so crucial as he has difficulty with the social element of communication in everyday interactions. Brady does not readily say hello and goodbye to people, especially when he is anxious. Brady can present as quite egocentric, meaning he does not readily take an interest in other people, through asking them about themselves, their day or their interests. Brady also has difficulty with communicating his internal world, in particular, his emotional state. Brady is generally not able to make sense of how he is feeling which makes him unable to express to others how he is feeling. Brady is overly reliant on ‘survival behaviours’ when upset to regulate his arousal and emotions, rather than telling other people what is wrong, which would allow them to co-regulate and support Brady.

These items have been requested by his occupational therapist to help his communication, regulation via the apple watch as he can have programs and apps on their to help calm his mind and with the air pods, play music or sensory based sounds to help regulation. These items will also help to stop the bullying that he has faced as these items are ‘seen’ as every day items so he won’t be excluded or bullied for using items that don’t fit within the norm.”

Thanks to Variety QLD and Brady for sharing this inspiring story, and providing some tangible context to how your donations and additional fundraising can make a huge difference to those who need our support.


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