Introducing the FLY Weekender

The new kid on the block for our events portfolio, the FLY Weekender aims to power your weekend!

Designed to get people moving over the course of 48 hours, this online step count challenge provides people with a choice of how to achieve a pre-defined goal of 200,000 steps - catering to everyone from social walking groups to the high-achieving-go-it-aloners.

More than just a new event to our calendar though, the FLY Weekender is a great entry level event for people nervous to commit to increased physical activities.

We wanted to create something that was a good fit for as many people as possible, and encourage people of all abilities to get involved. No matter whether you’re just looking to kickstart some healthy lifestyle choices, or a train-7-days-a-week type of person, the key concept of this event is to put you in control of your own short-term efforts.

Tackle the distance as one big team, each chipping in their part to reach the overall goal, or go it alone with some physically impressive individual step count totals - either way, we’ll be here to encourage and reward you every step of the way.

You never know, you might enjoy it so much that you find the motivation for long-term positive change! What a great segue into our month-long step count challenge. FLY into July!

It’s pretty simple really, just get out there and be active, and use our event dashboard as a way to motivate you through to a successful conclusion.

You can learn more about the FLY Weekender online step count challenge on our dedicated event page.


Australian Event Awards 2021 QLD State Winner


The FLY Pathways Program in action