FLY into July Announcement

1st May 2024

We are sad to announce that FLY into July will not be returning.

Since its inception and growth around the 2019/2020 global lockdowns, FLY into July occupied a much-needed space in the virtual fitness world - allowing participants to get out, stay active, and connect with others.

But the health and fitness industry has continued to evolve, and we've taken the hard decision not to outstay our welcome.

We are so proud of what we've achieved together over the last few years, including having raised over $150,000 for 14 various charities and causes, and helping people of all capabilities focus on their longer term fitness journeys.

We hope that you still find ways to remain active, keep socially engaged, and smash those fitness goals! The FLY into July Facebook Community will remain in place, so please feel free to share your updates and photos over the course of this year.

We couldn't have done this without you, and appreciate all the positivity along the way.

Yours in health and wellbeing,

Natalie, Matt & Andy
The FLY Team